Spread the Word,
Share the Surplus
By Michaele Pepe
David recently had a surplus problem. He was troubled about all the limes that would go to waste if he didn’t find help to harvest them. “We’ve had this lime tree for 20 years and this was the first time it has produced fruit, and we didn’t know what to do with all of it.” He was relieved to learn from a friend of a friend about Iskashitaa, and how it helps homeowners like him who also have the fortunate problem of overabundance. David then simply called Iskashitaa and scheduled a harvest, transforming his surplus into a gift.

Because of word of mouth, twenty-six pounds of limes were
saved and David and his wife were spared the trouble of picking them. “At our
age, we can’t get around to pick all of our citrus fruit anymore.” He went on
to say how he would welcome Iskashitaa volunteers back in the winter when his oranges
were ripe. David won’t be the only one, though. Often during the winter months,
Iskashitaa has such an abundance of citrus gleaning opportunities, that they
don’t have enough volunteers to keep up.
Iskashitaa relies on having adequate volunteers, refugee and
non-refugee alike, to redistribute the remarkable resource of local produce to refugees
or other underserved populations. Two of these regular volunteers are Amelia
and Emily, who are designated harvest leaders. Harvest leaders help organize
and manage weekly harvest trips for volunteers to private residences or
organizations such as the University of Arizona.
Jasoda, another frequent harvest volunteer, is a former refugee
from Bhutan. She and other refugees further work with Iskashitaa staff in
post-harvest activities to learn important job skills, while at the same time
becoming more involved in the Tucson community. For instance, the gift of limes
from David’s house could go on to be featured in workshops, where Jasoda
learns, or even teaches, food preparation and preservation. The products of
these workshops could then go on to be sold at a farmer’s market.
Do you know anyone who cultivates a surplus of fruits or
vegetables? Or anyone who wonders how they can assist the global refugee
situation at a local level? Tell them
about Iskashitaa. With your help to spread the word, Iskashitaa and the Tucson
community can welcome refugees through something that unites us all: food.
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