Monday, July 14, 2014

Love and Apples

Although Mother's Day is out of season, I recently experienced a mother-daughter story of love that involved local food (of course) and love beyond words - this love was shared with me as well. The Sonoran desert produces itty bitty apples - out of season, if you think of fall as apple season. In June and July we are graced with what look like crab apples but what are really delightful - nothing like Safeway or Fry's.

Oh but I digress. I was at a recent party to celebrate women's success. When I shared my itty bitty tiny desert local apples, this is the story of love between mother and daughter that emerged with a loving, caring demonstration to all the women present. The thirty-something year-old daughter said, "My mom always shared her food art talents every day at nap time." Every day before nap, Farah* would fashion a drawing with her fingernail, imprinting a picture on an apple, and saying, "When you awake the picture will appear." 

In anticipation of her gifted art piece engraved in an apple, she would sleep in peace and then awake excited to see her personalized gift. Fast forward to today. Kind Farah engraved my name in Arabic on a tiny Sonoran apple or tufa (in Arabic). I was struck by the love, caring, and beauty of this sacred ritual. It reminded me of all the gifts my mother and grandmothers gifted to me, but especially of all the love they bestowed on me. I feel so fortunate to be able to share these moments of love with my global friends.​

-Barbara Eiswerth

Watch this video to learn how to say various fruits in Arabic!

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